The sexual battles of ducks : Not Exactly Rocket Science

Kinkiness Beyond Kinky | The Loom | Discover Magazine

This was just a fascinating story about some of the evolutionary pressures affecting duck sex. With videos, no less! Check out Ed Yong’s take at ScienceBlogs’ Not Exactly Rocket Science  and Carl Zimmer’s at Discover Magazine’s The Loom.

They’re both renowned science writers who also write excellent science blogs. I read their blogs regularly, and they’re always worth checking out. Even though this particular story’s from December I thought their take on it was a good introduction to both blogs (Apart from it being a great story….as an aside, I briefly met Carl Zimmer when I visited NYU’s Science, Health and Environmental Reporting program a few months back – I didn’t get to really talk with him or anything, but it was still exciting 🙂