Well, I had a nice, relaxing, vacation in India. It was great to see friends and family after a long while, and enjoy the good food and warm weather. Now I’m back, well refreshed, and it’s time to get back to work.
Right after I got back, I attended the 2014 Beckman Initiative for Macular Research conference. It was my third time there, and it was enjoyable and intense as always, I will be writing one of the group’s summary reports.
I also had a couple more articles for NationalGeographic.com after my return:
- European bat populations seem to be making a comeback, which is encouraging.
Bumblebees can apparently fly really high, and could potentially fly higher than Mount Everest! Who knew…
I’m working on another story this week, and then I’m off to this year’s AAAS meeting in Chicago this weekend. Should be fun, I’ll get to meet a lot of science writer friends and hopefully find some good story ideas. 🙂