Begley: Amazing Tool Use by Crows in New Video | Newsweek Voices – Sharon Begley |
Begley: Amazing Tool Use by Crows in New Video | Newsweek Voices – Sharon Begley | A fascinating look at non-human intelligence – apparently crows/rooks are really smart! The videos are well worth a watch, and are from two different studies. One study shows crows using tools to get other tools (to eventually get […]
Of mice and medicine: If a treatment works on rodents, will it cure us? | Alok Jha | Life and style | The Guardian
Of mice and medicine: If a treatment works on rodents, will it cure us? | Alok Jha | Life and style | The Guardian . Understanding some of the difficulties in applying research done in mice (the usual human-substitute for most laboratory research) directly to humans.
Seemingly ‘Duh!’ Scientific Studies Often Hold Value –
Seemingly ‘Duh!’ Scientific Studies Often Hold Value – A nice article on how serious research is often simplified in the press releases to make it seem either obvious or meaningless. It just goes to show that to appreciate the importance of most research one needs to know its context. A lot of the time, […]
Bacterial computers can crack mathematical problems | Science |
Bacterial computers can crack mathematical problems | Science | Very cool research in the journal of bioengineering (, using bacteria to solve the Hamiltonian Path problem (finding the shortest route to travel between several different cities). Computers have to compare each possible path to find out the shortest. Bacteria solved a simplified version involving […]
The Age Of Wonder | Books | A.V. Club
The Age Of Wonder | Books | A.V. Club. Looks like an interesting book, about the inter-relatedness of 19th century science and poetry/literature. Read another review in Time Magazine, the book really does sound fascinating, will have to get it – it describes a time when scientists had huge fan followings. It sounds weird these […]