Teens think blogging is about as cool as Rick Astley hits.

Wouldn’t you know, shortly after I decide to start blogging, I find it out’s totally uncool these days (see above link to the story). Actually, I guess it’s not that surprising to find that it’s becoming less of a teenage thing and more for older people – Facebook and other social networking sites have supplanted blogs when it comes to just informing your friends and family about what you’re upto, and making quick status updates. Blogs don’t let you choose who reads them, and you’d have to check each person’s blog to find out what they’re doing – Facebook is so much more convenient for that.

Interestingly, teens apparently don’t use Twitter either – again, personally I think that’s because Twitter doesn’t give you the same control over who reads your posts. Blogs and Twitter are great for broadcasting your thoughts and what you write to a potentially huge audience, but not everyone wants or needs anyone to be able to read what they write.

Via Ars Technica