Image picture tiny microbots solar-powered I-swarm Edqvist, et al.
Tiny microbots can be smaller than your finger. Credit: Edqvist, et al.
Ant-Sized Microbots Travel in Swarms | Popular Science.

My first article for, about Microbots, the possible future of robotics. The researchers developed a way to quickly make tiny, cheap, mass-produced robots. Individually they’re simple, but if each one can communicate and collect data, together they might be able to mimic certain insects like ants, and exhibit ‘swarm intelligence’. Kind of like Michael Crichton’s ‘Prey’…Follow the title link to the article for more details.

For more information on microbots and I-swarm, you can check out the researchers’ website, and view some cool videos of the microbots moving at Hizook.

Microbots are powered by a solar cell on top, and move on three legs. Credit: Edqvist, et al.
Microbots are powered by a solar cell on top, and move on three legs. Credit: Edqvist, et al.

Image picture tiny microbots solar-powered I-swarm Edqvist, et al.
A Microbot with its one sensor leg sticking out. Credit: Edqvist, et al.

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