Pics of the Earth, Tweeted from Space!
Twitpic / Astro_Soichi. Japanese Astronaut Soichi Noguchi takes photos from aboard the International Space Station and tweets them directly to his Twitpic account along with a caption. He’s definitely managed to take several stunning photos, all over the world. Here’s one of Space Shuttle Endeavor, and strange-looking structures in Bahrain.
Science is hard, boring, and filled with failure
Or so say these links… Now that I’m working with people in the publishing industry, which everyone seems to think is dying, I’ve met more people who assume that academic careers are more straightforward. I think only scientists appreciate how hard science can be…the results can be great, and very satisfying, but getting them can […]
65,000-Year-Old Language Goes Extinct : Discovery News
65,000-Year-Old Language Goes Extinct : Discovery News. I just found the Discovery News article above sad – apparently Boa Sr., the last speaker of the Bo language, died last week. She was a member of the Bo tribe who lived in India’s Andaman islands. The site also has a video of her singing in Bo, […]
A few links about writing and fact-checking
Apart from reading a lot about science and technology, I’ve also been reading as much as I can about writing and journalism. I find it useful to try to incorporate things that I like about other people’s writing into my own. Here’s a few recent links that I came across: 1. A talk by William […]
Eric Heller’s Gallery of Quantum Art
Eric J. Heller Gallery A gallery of images by Harvard physics and chemistry professor Eric J. Heller. According to his website, his digital abstract art is inspired by: “a world we cannot directly see; the quantum realm of electrons, atoms, and molecules. The strange, often chaotic quantum domain yields forms, which I use as a […]
1950s Video of Immune System in Action
[youtube][/youtube] Great video of a Neutrophil cell, a type of immune cell, relentlessly chasing down a bacterium while pushing aside red blood cells. I found it fascinating to see our immune system in action. The video was apparently taken from a 16-mm movie made in the 1950s by the late David Rogers at Vanderbilt University.
Teens think blogging is about as cool as Rick Astley hits
Teens think blogging is about as cool as Rick Astley hits. Wouldn’t you know, shortly after I decide to start blogging, I find it out’s totally uncool these days (see above link to the story). Actually, I guess it’s not that surprising to find that it’s becoming less of a teenage thing and more for […]
Science Channel Refuses To Dumb Down Science Any Further | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source
Science Channel Refuses To Dumb Down Science Any Further | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source. Ah, the Onion – always reliable for a laugh. The link above takes you to a story that’s funny because it’s a little too close to the truth for comfort. Many science shows on TV are incredibly dumbed […]
The Lancet retracts paper linking MMR vaccines and autism
The Lancet retracts paper linking MMR vaccines and autism. Important news for anyone who cares about our public health – shortly after the British General Medical Council concluded its ethics investigation of doctor Andrew Wakefield, the medical journal The Lancet formally retracted his controversial 1998 paper that purported to show a link between the MMR […]
The Immortal Life « Rebecca Skloot
The Immortal Life « Rebecca Skloot. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks has been getting rave reviews so far, and looks fascinating. It’s the story of the woman whose cancer cells were immortalized to give the world HeLa cells (named after Henrietta Lacks). These cells are a mainstay of biological and medical research, so much […]